Efectivamente, antes de entrar al cole existe un paseo que desde su inicio hasta la rotonda de la fuente podemos encontrar un agradable paseo de más o menos medio kilómetro de un perfil llano, sin pendientes.
Únicamente deberemos de llevar mucho cuidado al cruzar los dos pasos de cebra existentes, pero puede ser un buen lugar de entreno para pequeños y mayores. A continuación vamos a mostrar con las fotos el inicio, algunos tramos medios y la parte final.
Una propuesta para empezar a preparar la "Operación Turrón" puede ser el recorrer andando este paseo de principio a fin unas 4- 6 veces. El ritmo lo decidís vosotros, pero cada vez debería ir aumentando. Esto se puede hacer controlando el tiempo que tardamos con un reloj. Si queremos mejorar, cada semana se puede ir aumentando un poco más el recorrido. En futuras entradas os informaremos de algunos de los beneficios de la práctica de la actividad física saludable. ¡Disfrutad el entreno!
We live in Santa Bárbara neighborhood, in Toledo. Our neighborhood is located on a hill and we can use it in order to workout. Today, we are going to talk about an avenue which is really close to the school. Its legth is about 500 meters long and there is no hill, is flat. We have to be aware when we cross the zebracrossing . It is a wonderful place to workout, kids and elders. A possible suggestion plan could be to walk from the start to the end between 4 and 6 times. The rhythm is up to you, but it should increase each time. Next time, we will show you some of the healthy activitie's benefits. Enjoy your training!
We live in Santa Bárbara neighborhood, in Toledo. Our neighborhood is located on a hill and we can use it in order to workout. Today, we are going to talk about an avenue which is really close to the school. Its legth is about 500 meters long and there is no hill, is flat. We have to be aware when we cross the zebracrossing . It is a wonderful place to workout, kids and elders. A possible suggestion plan could be to walk from the start to the end between 4 and 6 times. The rhythm is up to you, but it should increase each time. Next time, we will show you some of the healthy activitie's benefits. Enjoy your training!
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